Who among Us cares to recognize and empower the will of the father within us? Jesus showed us that we each have inside of us, our own will, but also the will of the father. He said, father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me, nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Be a eunuch, Jesus said. He should be taken at his word. Marriage
Be a eunuch, Jesus said, as was he. He should be taken at his word. Marriage... It is a catastrophe, mine was from day one. The joy and lessons of parenting invaluable and supreme,, no regrets, lessons learned invaluable. But a catastrophe. Jesus should be heated.
Friday, April 28, 2023
I may need to devote some of my study to ancient native American wisdom and culture. In my quest to align with creator Jesus teachings and example in the gospels are my North star. Christianity an opposite, South pole. My brief physical contact with native cultures here in Colorado is...
I may need to devote some of my study to ancient native American wisdom and culture. In my quest to align with creator Jesus teachings and example in the gospels are my North star. Christianity an opposite, South pole.
My brief physical contact with native cultures here in Colorado is... Awakening my lifelong suspicion that native cultures were infinitely more aligned with Creator than European American culture like mine, that in 10,000 generations they would not destroy creation, where we in only hundreds are in the final stages of doing so.
Therefore, sooner or later, I expect to redirect some of my study time to something I've never undertaken, and understanding of the value system, the culture and the history of native americans.
Our selfishness and hoarding are the mother and father of all the evils of the world. Joy and hope are in, our only in, facing that and turning a different direction, repenting.
Our selfishness and hoarding are the mother and father of all the evils of the world. Joy and hope are in, are only in, facing that and turning a different direction, repenting. www.jesian.org
Turns out the Beatles were not our saviors, the song was wrong, turns out, all you need is Jesus teachings and example from the gospels. The rest is history.
Turns out the Beatles were not our saviors,
the song was wrong, turns out, all you need is Jesus teachings and example from the gospels. The rest is history.The verse that's playing in my mind this morning is, the sheep hear my voice. And then he went on, you ...
The verse that's playing in my mind this morning is, the sheep hear my voice. And then he went on, you... do not hear my voice because you are not of the father.
The sheep can't get enough of his voice, his words, his example in the Gospels. They experience it as the living waters.
And I don't see anybody doing that. I don't see any sheep. There are dozens of other voices that they're drawn to, but not Jesus voice. There in the gospels.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
The god, the soul, the morality that is the man Jesus in the gospels, is not the god of the old testament, is not the god of revelations, is not the god of paul, or the popes, or anyone else. Jesus said, if you....
The god, the soul, the morality that is the man Jesus in the gospels, is not the god of the old testament, is not the god of revelations, is not the god of paul, or the popes, or anyone else. Jesus said, if you know me, you know the father, and from now on you know him, and have seen him.
I don't think anyone has seen the father, because no one has bothered to know Jesus teachings and example in the gospels. If they did, I'm virtually certain they would agree with the following. And if they have not, they would not.
It is the morality of someone that we take as the most essential character of who they are according to rigorous studies. and maybe this is their soul. And other characteristics can change and we still say that the person hasn't changed, but if their morality, their soul changes, we say that they are a different person. That certainly is how I experience people.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Absolutely everyone agrees that we cannot follow Jesus teachings and example because we are not jesus, everyone, everyone, except...
Absolutely everyone agrees that we cannot follow Jesus teachings and example because we are not jesus, everyone, everyone, except... for Jesus who said that we can and we must give our lives to the attempt.
If you do not feel much more alive each breath that you are following Jesus teachings and example, then you are not following Jesus teaching and...
If you do not feel much more alive each breath that you are following Jesus teachings and example, then you are not following Jesus teaching and... example. www.jesian.org He said, I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. It is also said that he brought life into the world. That's how it is if you're following jesus.
If following Jesus is not intrinsically joyful for you, every second that you're doing it, you're not following jesus. He said, I say these words so that my joy might be fulfilled in you.
If following Jesus is not intrinsically joyful for you, every breath that you're doing it, you're not following jesus. He said, I say these words so that my joy might be fulfilled in you.
Help needed: If you ever know of anyone with an excellent recall of all Jesus teachings in the Gospels (www.jesian.org) that believes in applying them in life please....
If you ever know of anyone with an excellent recall of all Jesus teachings in the Gospels (www.jesian.org) that believes in applying them in life please connect us because I don't have any such people that I'm connected to, and that and it would be invaluable to my work. Thank you. James
Unless we are putting in our whole life to the work of the original disciples, we are not doing the work Jesus...
Unless we are putting in our whole life to the work of the original disciples, we are not doing the work Jesus told us we should be doing. Only... by putting our whole life in are we fulfilling Jesus words, that unless a grain of wheat die and fall to the Earth it cannot bring forth fruit.
Jesus could not have sent, did not send, people out to tell about him - his death on the cross, his resurrection, Etc. Only...
Jesus could not have sent, did not send, people out to tell about him - his death on the cross, his resurrection, Etc. Only... what he taught. If we are Disciples of Jesus today, we are doing nothing but what they did then. Everything else is someone else's teaching, someone else's invention, not jesus.
If we are teachers, we are violating jesus. Call no man your teacher save one, me, he said. But...
If we are teachers, we are violating jesus. Call no man your teacher save one, me, he said. But... he also said the greatest among you will be your minister, ministering Jesus teachings, bringing others to Jesus teachings which is all that disciples could possibly have done for it we are to be disciples. Doing that, only that. If we were teachers we are violating jesus.
Church today is inherently evil. Jesus did not send his disciples out to create churches. He...
Church today is inherently evil. Jesus did not send his disciples out to create churches. He didn't tell them to do that. He... sent them out to preach his words. We can want churches, church, or we can want jesus teachings. Not both. We can want to be disciples, or Christians in the church, not both.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Hypocrisy, The self-deluding lie: I love Jesus (while profoundly disrespecting him, not knowing, ignoring, distorting his words).
Hypocrisy, The self-deluding lie: I love Jesus (while profoundly disrespecting him, not knowing, ignoring, distorting his words). Www.jesian.org
Monday, April 24, 2023
I've never been so hopeful at the prospect of a suffering Soul being helped as I am now having met mark hightower.
I've never been so hopeful at the prospect of a suffering Soul being helped as I am now having met mark hightower.
Jesus was not sent by creator to be slaughtered on the cross like some dumb four legged Beast to fulfill some prophecy and magically save us all. Creator didn't send Jesus at all. Jesus said to creator, I can't stand all the suffering down there, I'm....
Jesus was not sent by creator to be slaughtered on the cross like some dumb four legged Beast to fulfill some prophecy and magically save us all. Creator didn't send Jesus at all. Jesus said to creator, I can't stand all the suffering down there, I'm going to go see what I can try and do to help. I'm going to show and teach them how to return to be members of our family, and if it cost me my life I'll try and get others to do the same. And Creator said, don't, son, they will crucify you. And Jesus said. Well if they do they do, I've got to try and help reduce that suffering and bring some joy. I can't stand it like it is.
I may be incorrect, but these sacred three days with Mark have been so stimulating that something, someone, just sent that Clarity to me this moment, maybe it was creator, maybe it was satan, maybe it was my ego, I think it was creator.
Friday, April 21, 2023
There are teachings you believe in, that you follow religiously. In all aspects of your life. No one has bothered to know, let alone follow, the teachings of Jesus. Www.jesian.org
There are teachings you believe in, that you follow religiously. In all aspects of your life. No one has bothered to know, let alone follow, the teachings of Jesus. Www.jesian.org
Friday, April 14, 2023
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Heartbreaking. Jesus has been totally defeated by christianity. His attempt to overthrow soulless heartless religion, once again, of the head and the flesh in charge enslaving, killing, destroying, the soul, that piece of creator within us, the scribes and pharisees immediately snuffed out and replaced his gospel with the same soulless academic soulless legalism under his name. Himself being relegated to being nothing more than a sacrificial four-legged dumb beast for his blood. His words? Irrelevant. Ridiculous. Explain the way with legalese to absolute meaninglessness. The rest is history.
Heartbreaking. Jesus has been totally defeated by christianity. His attempt to overthrow soulless heartless religion, once again, of the head and the flesh in charge enslaving, killing, destroying, the soul, that piece of creator within us, the scribes and pharisees immediately snuffed out and replaced his gospel with the same soulless academic soulless legalism under his name. Himself being relegated to being nothing more than a sacrificial four-legged dumb beast for his blood. His words? Irrelevant. Ridiculous. Explain the way with legalese to absolute meaninglessness. The rest is history.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
I would say that the souls still alive, that one in a million, can't stand being in this world unless they devote their lives to trying to make it better for other souls. For the joy of it.
I would say that the souls still alive, that one in a million, can't stand being in this world unless they devote their lives to trying to make it better for other souls. For the joy of it.
Teaching, after example, after teaching Jesus he demands critical thinking of us. Christianity demands blind faith. They are opposites. They can't coexist.
Teaching, after example, after teaching Jesus he demands critical thinking of us. Christianity demands blind faith. They are opposites. They can't coexist. www.jesian.org
Monday, April 10, 2023
Only this morning did I finally get it. The Christian God, the opposite of jesus, is of by and for abusers. It abides people behaving like hell and gives them a get out of jail free card. The epitome of abuse.
Only this morning did I finally get it. The Christian God, the opposite of jesus, is of by and for abusers. It abides people behaving like hell and gives them a get out of jail free card. The epitome of abuse.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Who knew, Joy is in being a servant, of creator, of the soul. How quickly I forget.
Taking the time to tell this story is not what I want to do, but I need to for me, and maybe for you.
Day before yesterday, well, everything just seemed to fall into place. Needed to do business with several business establishments and the people in Farmington just could not have been nicer. They really went out of their way.
But the centerpiece of it, as I was sitting in a parking of the post office digesting the news that a major shipment had been rejected and sent back to California because the label didn't include General delivery, a fellow approached, Perry. We wound up spending several hours together at his inconvenience and warm generous kind joyful insistence.
I talked his ear off because he seemed to be interested in what I had to share. And it was tremendously useful for me in part because I so rarely, I can't remember the last time, I have been able to share with someone for such a duration of time. That's extremely helpful to me. And I hope it was helpful for him, but I'll never know, and he might not either.
He's an independent business person, has been in Farmington for many years, and toward the end he commented how Creator keeps blessing him, with his business, with customers, etc.
And because I had learned that he was strong and there's no way that my comments could be hurtful, I shared, well, but say things materially go bad for you. Does that mean Creator isn't blessing you anymore? And I'm sure I went on a little bit to try and illustrate my point, by saying that I think it works differently than that, the only blessing I want from Creator is the chance to maybe help someone’s soul. I mean if Creator wants me to be mugged tonight, I said, that's awesome, if it might help someone’s soul.
So what I was sharing with him is that much of the time now I'm quite clear that I don't care what happens to me materially, I'm consciously aware reminded by various daily real and imagined threats, various difficulties, that I pretty much don't care what happens to me materially, I care that my life might help revitalize someone's soul. Knowing full well that that's extremely unlikely to ever happen.
And then comes along yesterday. Everything went wrong. I couldn't cycle, I discovered a critical failure with the hitch of this vehicle. That may or may not be easy to resolve, could be catastrophic. I moved to a part of Farmington that was a, well I guess in the middle of the night I decided that it was called, little dick raceway. Everyone trying to make more noise than anyone else, these horrible noise exhaust belching vehicles. Oh, and once that stopped did I mention the dog that barked forever, sounded like it was right outside the vehicle?
Why was I miserable yesterday? Because of the things I just mentioned? No. The preponderance of time where I feel joyful is exactly because I don't care about such things, I even come to look at them as opportunities to maybe help a soul. But yesterday? After lecturing Perry only the day before? I forgot all of that. Totally forgot all of that. Smh.
Some wonderful, what seemed like successes the prior day, I let them sweep me from being a servant into being the served. Life was now going to serve me with all these wonderful successes. It was hell.
And last night and this morning I began to dig out of it, 1 hour at a time, what's your job James? What's your opportunity? What are we each called to do? Use the hour in front of me for good. And then use the next hour for that. And then the next. And remember that no way shape or form James, are you being measured on whether you're successful. That's totally beyond your control. You're not being held responsible for having things work out well. You're held responsible for using your time attempting good, hour by hour by hour....
And that dug me out of a pretty deep depression, and for whatever amusing reason, everything went well today. Quite possibly the best cycling ever, and many many nice brief encouraging encounters to be able to talk briefly or not so briefly about the things I have to share.
Chris Hedges: ...James Baldwin, who grew up in the church and was briefly a preacher, said he abandoned the pulpit to preach the Gospel. The Gospel, he knew, was not heard most Sundays in Christian houses of worship. And today with ministers wary of offending their aging and dwindling flocks — who are counted on to pay the clergy salary and bills — this is even truer than when Baldwin was alive.....
The soul in charge in a nutshell.
Straight-away the ideas flow in upon me, directly from God, and not only do I see distinct themes in my mind’s eye, but they are clothed in the right forms, harmonies, and orchestration.
—Johannes BrahmsOnly in the last couple of weeks of my 71 years have I grown enough to be extremely grateful when the haters attack. The trucks....
Only in the last couple of weeks of my 71 years have I grown enough to be extremely grateful when the haters attack. The trucks ... that buzz the vehicle, the roiling coal spewing oceans of exhaust in an attempt to destroy my lungs which seems to be pretty successful. Up until recent days I just didn't have a handle on how to respond constructively, though I've been getting glimmerings how to do so in recent years. Now, with day glow gloves, I warmly genuinely wave so that they can see in the rear view mirror which near certainly they're looking thru. What's my thinking? They have a soul, it's been mutilated, tortured, abused into all but nonexistence. But in showing my genuine love for them, in return for their hatred, there's a chance that it will appall, insult, revolt their soul at what they just did to a soul that only wishes them well. And that could be the beginning of a rebirth. If they strike you on the one cheek, offer them the other. This is the insight Jesus had. If they make you walk one mile, walk two with them. If they steal your shirt, give them your coat also. I never knew, I never understood, but now I think I do. This is what he brilliantly tried to share with us, Jesus.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Sorry, but whatever you say, if your full heart and soul is not in Jesus family, then you are in the other one. And...
Sorry, but whatever you say, if your full heart and soul is not in Jesus family, then you are in the other one. And the only place you can be found is in his teachings and example in the gospels. Which unless you are one in a million you have not seriously studied.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Moses, abraham, old testament, revelations, paul, acts of the apostles, popes, denominations, preachers, pastors, calvin, luther.... Which part of, thou ...
As far as I know I'm a minority of one. If you know me, he said, you know my father, and from now on, you know him and have seen him. From his teachings ...
As far as I know I'm a minority of one. If you know me, he said, you know my father, and from now on, you know him and have seen him. From his teachings and example in the gospel, I see that what he says is true, he is the incarnation of creator, the only one we've ever had. In that regard, he said the sheep hear my voice. I hear his voice. Not that of anyone in the Old testament except occasionally the prophets. Not anyone else in the new testament, not anyone before or since. It is completely irrelevant to me whether the Bible says that Einstein is a great physicist or not. It is equally irrelevant to me whether the Bible says that Jesus was going to come and be the son of God or not. His example and teachings are what tell me that he is. It breaks my heart that everyone doesn't see the same. He has led me to the kingdom of God which I inhabit, kingdom of God is within you, and it is the soul, and I've learned to keep it in charge. It is perpetual Joy and I will give my last breath to lead someone else to find the same. As did Jesus before me. Hugs
The Bible was and remains a propaganda tool for male tribal aggression and domination. Jesus example and teachings in the gospels are the opposite. Those who do not see that do not know god.
The Bible was and remains a propaganda tool for male tribal aggression and domination. Jesus example and teachings in the gospels are the opposite. Those who do not see that do not know god.
Monday, April 3, 2023
I think it impossible for anyone to be a Christian that invests several months studying Jesus teachings and example in the gospels.
I think it impossible for anyone to be a Christian that invests several months studying Jesus teachings and example in the gospels.
What Jesus did for us: Died for our sins. Nope. Saved.....
What Jesus did for us:
Died for our sins. Nope.
Saved us. Nope.
Christianity. GOD NO.
Sky condo. Nope.
Showed, taught, how to be a Joyful child of Creator. Yup.
Sunday, April 2, 2023
I suspect that those that love, those that love all of creation, and those that love the truth about their own life, or exactly the same populations.
I suspect that those that love, those that love all of creation, and those that love the truth and goodness above even their own life, are exactly the same populations. And that they are the ones, the only ones, that have lives of joy.
Notice. Many JesianJames posts on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/StartLoving1?mibextid=ZbWKwL Logistically often it is only possible to post on Facebook not blogger due to intern...

https://www.facebook.com/StartLoving1?mibextid=ZbWKwL Logistically often it is only possible to post on Facebook not blogger due to intern...
Sabbath, maybe I'm beginning to understand. Joyful life is co-creating, serving, creator. Responsible serving requires proper care of t...
It pretty much comes down to how you define the word believe. Christians seem to Define believe as like the tooth fairy or Santa claus, tha...