Sunday, June 4, 2023

The constructs god, soul, spirit, good, evil... Are nothing more or less than tools we can use to feed our good potential and starve our evil. Ways of personifying, making more concrete, and thereby empowering our good potentialities. For the joy of it. There are few enviable people throughout history that have not used these tools with all their might. And of course those with evil inclinations use those constructs to empower and weaponize their evil proclivities.

 The constructs god, soul, spirit, good, evil... Are nothing more or less than tools we can use to feed our good potential and starve our evil. Ways of personifying, making more concrete, and thereby empowering our good potentialities. For the joy of it. There are few enviable people throughout history that have not used these tools with all their might. And of course those with evil inclinations use those constructs to empower and weaponize their evil proclivities.

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