Jesus was betrayed, but not by the jews, but by the titular Apostles and followers. His body wasn't cold before they began corrupting his teachings and using it for their own selfish interests whatever they thought they were doing. Paul, the psychotic delusional, james, the rest, but specially John with his psychotic quintessentially selfish Antichrist revelations.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Jesus was betrayed, but not by the jews, but by the titular Apostles and followers. His body wasn't cold before they began corrupting his teachings and using it for their own selfish interests whatever they thought they were doing. Paul, the psychotic delusional, james, the rest, but specially John with his psychotic quintessentially selfish Antichrist revelations.
Two close acquaintances have recently severed their relationship with me, independent of each other. I was surprised, and glad, to have each of the relationships for the months that they lasted. Who wants chemo? 8 years ago I chose to undergo four and a half months of it, I wanted....
Monday, July 24, 2023
Christianity. The largest most successful Organization for developing, promoting, and proliferating hypocrisy. How ironic. In Jesus name.
Christianity. The largest most successful Organization for developing, promoting, and proliferating hypocrisy. How ironic. In Jesus name.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
If I have been to a more glorious area, I owe it apologies because I can't think of it right now. The campgrounds are a treasure, and the corporate employed staff is very pleasant. But they are automatons, they...
If I have been to a more glorious area, I owe it apologies because I can't think of it right now.
The campgrounds are a treasure, and the corporate employed staff is very pleasant. But they are automatons, they... have reduced themselves to that. Like virtually all of us, like virtually all of us, like virtually all of us, like virtually all of us, truly?
71 years old, stage 4 cancer survivor, and their rules matter 100%, and the well-being of this cyclist, zero. No one was rude. No one could even conceive of making adjustments so that this cyclist didn't collapse of exhaustion. No one could conceive of that.
The destination for today was the Jenny Lake Campground which has Hiker Biker camping. Oh, your vehicle won't fit there, you can't stay there. Other reports indicate it could have fit fine. Several days ago a park ranger said, no problem. You can stay there. Or they could have made adjustments. As a consequence this old body did twice what it is set up for. We survived.
The point being, these human beings could not have cared less.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr said a wonderful thing, the first two thought, what will happen to me if I stop to help this man, the Good Samaritan thought, what will happen to this man if I don't stop? And that made all the difference. And that makes all the difference between whether we are alive or walking dead. Joyless or joyful.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Alan came by. Around 7:30. We are on a side street in a commercial district, an automobile dealership immediately across the sidewalk, and a park on the other side. During the summer months Jackson is very open to Vehicles parking on the street overnight for up to 3 days. Alan came from a location that...
Alan came by. Around 7:30. We are on a side street in a commercial district, an automobile dealership immediately across the sidewalk, and a park on the other side. During the summer months Jackson is very open to Vehicles parking on the street overnight for up to 3 days.
Alan came from a location that... suggests that we were his destination, he wasn't just walking in the area.
It was very warm cordial and polite. He's probably late 20s.
I saw you the other day and I wondered what this is all about. I explained it's a big heavy slow Electric bicycle. That clearly was not what he was interested in, but rather the messaging.
The essence of what he heard from me wouldn't surprise anyone that's been following my writing. There was a man, by all historical record, his name was Jesus 2,000 years ago. Before he died he lived and taught a religion, a way to be in the world. I say these words that my joy might be fulfilled in you, he said. I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.
And before his body was cold people were making up stuff in his name. Who's to say they don't have the right? To make up their own religion? But they don't have the right to say it in his name.
And it's not the same religion. Jesus religion was about how to be in this lifetime. Paul's religion is about how to get a condo in the Sky by joining a club and saying some magic words and saying Jesus name every other word. Who's to say Paul isn't a great guy? Who's to say Paul isn't an apostle? But by no righteousness should he have said it in Jesus name.
Well into this Allen told me, I'm a christian. He Is clearly a strong individual, up to what I shared. He probably has never heard anything like what I just shared, I haven't either. There is no indication he was glad to hear what I said. But to his credit he'll probably never forget it.
Just now, to a promising young soul that has recently entered the seminary. Several years ago a fellow flagged me down on the side of the road somewhere in Middle america, we had an exchange that we both found worthwhile. After I shared and shared and shared he clearly was interested and receptive and glad with what I was sharing and he said, I'm a pastor. I shared with him...
Just now, to a promising young soul that has recently entered the seminary.
Several years ago a fellow flagged me down on the side of the road somewhere in Middle america, we had an exchange that we both found worthwhile.
After I shared and shared and shared he clearly was interested and receptive and glad with what I was sharing and he said, I'm a pastor.
I shared with him... my view of the church which is not very positive, I knew it wouldn't offend him and I thought I should share and it was clearly correct that I shared.
His response to me, seminary? Many of us call it the cemetery.
To my grief, but no longer to my surprise, I have never seen it be other than that. The killing field for the promising soul. Hugs. James
Nikolai approached the vehicle yesterday, and we had a 10 or 15 minutes session together. Eastern European is my guess, maybe russian, based on his accent. He spoke English beautifully and of course I'm not educated enough to speak any of his language. Mid to late 20s is my guess, fairly Highly Educated is my guess. He was astonished and excited at the notion that yes, Jesus religion was what he taught and lived before he died not what has been promulgated in his name after he died. If I take a photograph of your vehicle will that address take me to your philosophy? Instantly I thought and shared with him, oh my goodness, I hope not. That's what we've been doing for 2,000 years. I hope what you'll find there is the teachings and example of Jesus excavated from 2,000 years of manure that have been covering them. He thinks it's extremely important that I'm undertaking this 48 state effort. He thinks it'll make a big difference. All I know is that I need to try.
Nikolai approached the vehicle yesterday, and we had a 10 or 15 minutes session together. Eastern European is my guess, maybe russian, based on his accent. He spoke English beautifully and of course I'm not educated enough to speak any of his language.
Mid to late 20s is my guess, fairly Highly Educated is my guess.
He was astonished and excited at the notion that yes, Jesus religion was what he taught and lived before he died not what has been promulgated in his name after he died.
If I take a photograph of your vehicle will that address take me to your philosophy? Instantly I thought and shared with him, oh my goodness, I hope not. That's what we've been doing for 2,000 years. I hope what you'll find there is the teachings and example of Jesus excavated from 2,000 years of manure that have been covering them.
He thinks it's extremely important that I'm undertaking this 48 state effort. He thinks it'll make a big difference. All I know is that I need to try.
Susan walked up from behind the vehicle as we were sitting and doing some planning and a little bit of rest. Our 15 minute exchange, a lecture from me, lol, she seemed to be really glad to receive. A lifelong Jackson area..
Susan walked up from behind the vehicle as we were sitting and doing some planning and a little bit of rest.
Our 15 minute exchange, a lecture from me, lol, she seemed to be really glad to receive.
A lifelong Jackson area... resident, loves the natural beauty.
Her son is in nature conservation up in alaska.
She received the first card, we picked up the box yesterday.
Tho she described herself as a believer, she seemed to be extremely glad that I was sharing the idea with her and others that Jesus' religion is what he taught and lived before he died, not what Paul and the apostles began teaching in his name after he died.
Early on she mentioned the irony of the front of the vehicle, do you hate God or wealth, given as I was parked on a street out in Teton Village and this area is the most wealthy County in the country, as I recall.
This was early in our exchange and I mentioned that for me the man Jesus and his religion have saved me from the joyless walking death of selfishness that our culture raised me to. Again this was early in our conversation and she's the one that was responsible for it being lengthy not ending at that point.
BBy the end she had not, I think, changed her mind, that she was really glad I was traveling the country offering this message.
Jesus gave us a religion of Joyful life on earth. Paul and the apostles and the rest of the murderers, replaced it with a ridiculous thing about joining a club, saying some words, and qualifying for pleasure after death in eternity. The greatest atrocity in human history.
Jesus gave us a religion of Joyful life on earth. Paul and the apostles and the rest of the murderers, replaced it with a ridiculous thing about joining a club, saying some words, and qualifying for pleasure after death in eternity. The greatest atrocity in human history.
What Duty do we have that is as great as showing our children and others the path to joyful life? How always do we mistakenly do the opposite, showing that material stuff is the path to joyful life? Most of my years I made that mistake. Jesus said that the joyful life centrally includes being a good neighbor. I find he is correct.
Friday, July 21, 2023
In Jesus name. One more sacrilege, one more blasphemy, by christians. In Paul's name! Exactly what Jesus forbid. Beware of those that preach in my name. Paul deserves eternity in prison for copyright infringement. He was the weapon of Mass destruction, was paul. Stomping out the perfect cure to all men's ills. Putting in its place a snake pit of temptation, a religion of selfishness, all about me me me me despite his occasional words to the contrary, paul.
In Jesus name. One more sacrilege, one more blasphemy, by christians. In Paul's name! Exactly what Jesus forbid. Beware of those that preach in my name. Paul deserves eternity in prison for copyright infringement. He was the weapon of Mass destruction, was paul. Stomping out the perfect cure to all men's ills. Putting in its place a snake pit of temptation, a religion of selfishness, all about me me me me despite his occasional words to the contrary, paul.
Christianity's big deal is that Jesus was killed and Rose. Jesianity's big deal is what he lived and taught.
Christianity's big deal is that Jesus was killed and Rose. Jesianity's big deal is what he lived and taught.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Paul's religion, christianity, is an unmitigated Earth destroying disaster. Maybe we should try Jesus religion,
Paul's religion, christianity, is an unmitigated Earth destroying disaster. Maybe we should try Jesus religion,
What am I paid? Nothing is mine, not my time, not the vehicle, nothing, not my life, what am I paid for working for Creator every waking breath? Fixing his vehicle? Promoting his religion? Serving his children? In an amused way I was asking myself that question and delighted to have the question an hour ago. And the answer hit me almost immediately. Joyful life, james. Do you get that any other way? No, was my reply. It comes when I embrace that nothing is mine, it is all for the work, the action items, the priority items of creator. And I immediately realized, when I embrace that, when I live that, when I execute that, each breath that I do, I'm paid with joyful life. Nothing else does.
What am I paid? Nothing is mine, not my time, not the vehicle, nothing, not my life, what am I paid for working for Creator every waking breath? Fixing his vehicle? Promoting his religion? Serving his children?
In an amused way I was asking myself that question and delighted to have the question an hour ago.
And the answer hit me almost immediately. Joyful life, james. Do you get that any other way? No, was my reply. It comes when I embrace that nothing is mine, it is all for the work, the action items, the priority items of creator.
And I immediately realized, when I embrace that, when I live that, when I execute that, each breath that I do, I'm paid with joyful life. Nothing else does.
Jesianity, Jesus' religion. Sorry to say that the purpose of Christianity was to make certain that religion couldn't be understood, therefore it could be manipulated by whatever false prophet is standing in front of you. Created a huge industry, that's in the final stages of destroying all life on earth.
Jesianity, Jesus' religion. Sorry to say that the purpose of Christianity was to make certain that religion couldn't be understood, therefore it could be manipulated by whatever false prophet is standing in front of you. Created a huge industry, that's in the final stages of destroying all life on earth.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Christians, which part of this is difficult to understand? Jesus said, call no one your teacher except me. And, beware those who come preaching in my name. Did he need to mention Paul by name? Or John of Revelations, the Apostles, or your priest, or pope, or pastor....?
Christians, which part of this is difficult to understand? Jesus said, call no one your teacher except me. And, beware those who come preaching in my name. Did he need to mention Paul by name? Or John of Revelations, the Apostles, or your priest, or pope, or pastor....?
No wonder that christians, contrary to jesus' instructions, insist that the Bible is the inspired word of god. Why? Bible is whatever you want it to be. Unlike Jesus instructions which are very specific. Freedom! Liberation for the head and flesh, let them reign. Christians, not judas, betrayed jesus. Christians crucify him daily.
No wonder that christians, contrary to jesus' instructions, insist that the Bible is the inspired word of god. Why? Bible is whatever you want it to be. Unlike Jesus instructions which are very specific. Freedom! Liberation for the head and flesh, let them reign. Christians, not judas, betrayed jesus. Christians crucify him daily.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Today was beyond exquisite.
My beginning review of the New Testament after the gospels confirms my worst understanding. The apostles are the ones that betrayed and crucified jesus. But I feel Vindicated in discovering this.
After 6 years I discovered a thing that exists only in the imagination, but if it exists in the imagination it exists physically. I've just described this at my old blogspot.
This Bridger Teton area is excruciatingly beautiful. It's really unfair. But here it is.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Help needed bfr Wed. Here's another opportunity for you to totally ignore my need. My hit rate recently is zero. Mid Wednesday I need to commit....
Help needed bfr Wed. Here's another opportunity for you to totally ignore my need. My hit rate recently is zero.
Mid Wednesday I need to commit to a mission card handout. Business cards if you will.
I'm happy with the design of this. And I'm not unhappy with the wording. But I see other options for the wording. The format I don't expect to change, whatever wording I select, and the URL. Https:// Note: the currently available URL is in moment sites back to launch the effort likely to take several days if not longer for the final URL to be locked in place by the search engines.
To half of the people that ask to speak with me I'll probably not provide a card, no point; to the half I do, I expect 98% of them to quickly throw it away, but maybe they'll look first. So which of the following might best plant the seed as they're deciding to throw it away?
- Jesus gave us a religion. He clearly declared, he was the first, the last, the only word of it.
- He said often, his words and examples were his religion. Only his.
- Because Jesus didn't say, follow those that come after me and teach in my name.
- Jesus gets the last word on his own religion.
- The last word.
- The first word on his religion, and also the last.
- On his own religion Jesus had the first and last word.
- On his own religion Jesus had the first and last word.
- Your idea:....... ___________
Notice. Many JesianJames posts on Facebook Logistically often it is only possible to post on Facebook not blogger due to intern...

- Logistically often it is only possible to post on Facebook not blogger due to intern...
Sabbath, maybe I'm beginning to understand. Joyful life is co-creating, serving, creator. Responsible serving requires proper care of t...
It pretty much comes down to how you define the word believe. Christians seem to Define believe as like the tooth fairy or Santa claus, tha...