Am I a Jesian? Impossible. There can never be such a thing. It is not a club, it's not a garment one puts on, it's not a klan.... Am I Jesian? Jesus like? Way more than I used to be. Way more than 8 months ago before I started really really applying myself to recall and Mastery of his instructions and example. Way way way way way less than I need to be, than is needed of me, and intend to be. For the collective joyful life of it, starting with mine.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Am I a Jesian? Impossible. There can never be such a thing. It is not a club, it's not a garment one puts on, it's not a klan.... Am I Jesian? Jesus like? Way more than I used to be. Way more than 8 months ago before I started really really applying myself to recall and Mastery of his instructions and example. Way way way way way less than I need to be, than is needed of me, and intend to be. For the collective joyful life of it, starting with mine.
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