Sunday, July 16, 2023

I think Christianity is the greatest disaster ever to befall mankind. But what if I'm wrong? It is clear to me that Jesus gave us the perfect prescription, the perfect instructions, for heaven on Earth. And then along came Mary and the women at the tomb, and the road to emmaus, and pentecost, and paul, and constantine, and popes etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. And like anything perfect, when adulterated, it becomes deadly. But what if I'm wrong? It has been a while since I've read the New.....

 I think Christianity is the greatest disaster ever to befall mankind. But what if I'm wrong?

It is clear to me that Jesus gave us the perfect prescription, the perfect instructions, for heaven on Earth. And then along came Mary and the women at the tomb, and the road to emmaus, and pentecost, and paul, and constantine, and popes etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. And like anything perfect, when adulterated, it becomes deadly.

But what if I'm wrong? It has been a while since I've read the New... testament beyond the four gospels. 5 months ago I read the Old testament and it was pure horror, pure agony. That hateful disgusting evil tribal God sanctifying the extermination of every last man woman child animal growing thing that was on land that the Jews wanted.

It is clear to me that Jesus felt this and more so, and nullified the old testament, the Jewish teachings, except for some clearly identified writings of a few prophets, and a few of the ten commandments. His four gospels all but scream, what you say is God is satan.

What if I'm wrong about the rest of the new testament? I must find out. Beginning tomorrow I expect, it will probably take me much of the coming week.

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